Monday, January 19, 2009

Climate change DUN DUN DUN!!!

Wow - So, have been thinking about and reflecting on travel recently...

As a Christian I believe that we DO have a responsibility to look after the planet, and my 'carbon footprint' is huge, due to the amount of flying I do (and other lifestyle factors. Regardless of whether the global warming thing is as accurate as it is made out to be, or, like some people say, it is a natural phenomenon or hoax, I still believe that there s environmental damage done by the way we live our lives and it is our responsibility to look after the planet.

I have been thinking and researching about this a lot recently and these were the conclusions I drew...

1. I should be doing SOMETHING to offset the carbon that I create when flying, as well as my everyday life. I know that I cannot negate the damage done, but I still think that it is a way of minimalising the risks... I will investigate different environmental options and perhaps make a small but regular donation... I am not necessarily going to do it to a 'carbon offset' scheme as some of these have been proven to be hoaxes, but look at investing into renewable sources of energy etc...

2. Travel should still happen!!!!! Travel employs, directly or indirectly, one in 8 people worldwide - this is big business, and a lot of jobs. Travel boosts local economies. It is often the poorer nations that rely on tourism more to build their ecomonomy...

Anyway... have a nice day...

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