Sunday, August 3, 2008

Recent embarassing moments...

These are two of a vast selection of 'blonde moments' i have had recently...

Last week I made an aim to do only one blonde thing per week. By Monday night I had decided to try and only do one per day, as I had already used up two weeks... By Tuesday I had used up the week...

1.My computer hasn't been working for six months, so I finally got my friend Paul, a computer person, to try and fix it. It hadn't been turining on, so I have tried all sorts of re-wiring, but to no avail...

Paul was kind enough to ask if I had tried turining on the 'on' switch at the back. I hadn't. Amazingly enough my computer worked when I used the on switch... The wonders of modern technology..

2. I was in Borders and saw a book about why people should not have kids (I am kid mad and was wondering why anyone could be anti-kid!)... anyway I was halfway through reading and saw blood on the book... EEEW!!! I then realised that it was actually my own and I had cut myself on the book... I then had to confess to a Borders person, while being super embarassed... Thankfully she didn't make me buy the book, cause I wouldn't have been happy paying $40 for a book that was anti-kids...


Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahaha! The on switch! LOVE IT! So simple yet often the last thing to check! :P

Cat said...

oh sooooooooooofunny you my dear are classic